Coconutty, Lemon, Honey, & Raspberry Muffins
These muffins are the ultimate gluten-free muffin! They tick all the boxes on so many levels. Just think Iced Vovos or Monte Carlos but better, and super healthy!...
Makes 12Ingredients:
6 eggs from happy chooks
1/2 cup Niulife Orga…

Homemade coconut oil playdough
This DIY playdough recipe with coconut oil is definitely one
to have up your sleeve for a no school day. Keep the kids busy, entertained, and
learning all at the same time!
There is no need to rush out and buy store bought playdough,
all you’…

Soba Noodle Salad with a Peanut & Cocomino Sauce
– 1 packet of soba noodles
– 1 red capsicum
– 1 cup of grated or diced carrots – 1/2 cup of diced red
– 1 cup of diced snow peas or cucumber – handful of diced
coriander and mint
Dressing– 2-3 tbsp of coconut aminos ( or t…

Choc Chunk and Macadamia MCT Cookies
Hello, our beautiful cookies. You are all looking mighty fine today! These cookies are choc chunk and macadamia (with a sprinkle of salt). It always surprises us when we hear that someone hasn't tried this combo before. It really is one of…
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