Vegan Hot Cross Buns
PREP TIME: 1 hour 30 minsCOOK TIME: 19 minsTOTAL TIME: 1 hour 49 minsSERVES: 6.INGREDIENTSHot
Cross Buns- 2
teaspoons (7g) instant dried yeast- 1 cup
(155g) wholemeal plain flour- 1 cup
(140g) white flour- 1 tablespoon
(10g) …

Choc Mint Truffles
INGREDIENTS3/4 cup Niulife Organic Coconut Milk Powder4 tablespoons of
boiling water3 tablespoons maple
syrup1/3 cup cacao A dash of
peppermint .METHOD
Mix the coconut milk
and boiling water until smooth over low heat.Add in the maple

Raw Bounty Bliss Balls
INGREDIENTS1 cup Niulife Organic Desiccated Coconut2 tbs Niulife Organic Coconut Syrup2 tbs Niulife Organic Coconut Milk Powder1 cup almond meal2 scoops of your fave protein powder1/3 cup cocao nibs2 tbs chia seeds1 tsp vanilla extract…

Coconut & Seed Clusters
INGREDIENTS3 cups of Niulife Organic Coconut Flakes¾ cups of Pepita (pumpkin) seeds½ cup of Sunflower seeds1/3 cup of Chia Seeds¼ cup of Niulife Organic Coconut Syrup (warmed).METHODPreheat oven to 175 degrees Celcius. Place all dry ingredi…

Coconut Flour – The Better Baking Alternative
What is it that makes even the best of us swoon and salivate uncontrollably when we smell fresh bread baking? Are you someone who struts with gritted determination as you approach the hot pie shop to avoid the temptation of joining the swelling crowd…
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